
1 Choose Appointment

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45 minutes
During this free 45-minute virtual consultation, Dr. Justl Ellis will confirm your eligibility for treatment with GLP-1 medications, discuss expected treatment effects and potential side effects, go over membership options, and address any additional questions you may have before starting treatment.

This free appointment does not include pre-treatment lab testing and review. If you wish to have pre-treatment blood work done, please select the "GLP-1 Initial Consultation (With Labs)" option.
45 minutes @ $99.00
During this 45-minute virtual initial consultation Dr. Justl Ellis will confirm GLP-1 treatment eligibility, discuss treatment effects and side effects, and review your pre-treatment labs.

After booking, you will receive a lab requisition for a complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid panel, lipid panel, hemoglobin A1C, and fasting insulin level. Labs may be drawn at any LabCorp testing facility during regular business hours.
30 minutes
During this 30-minute virtual follow-up consultation, Dr. Justl Ellis will assess your treatment progress, address any side effects, and make any necessary changes to your diet, exercise regimen, or treatment plan.

Note: this appointment type is for patients with an active GLP-1 membership only.

2 Your Information

3 Confirmation